Sunday, April 29, 2007

Patrick Schaal's Birthday

Btw, it's Patrick Schaal's birthday today. He turns 29 years old.

Nothing is going on with his trial or plea, or no one has told me anything. I wonder what is going to happen to the boy.

Guga is chewing my flip flop. I need to pack for my trip to Spain.

Madrid and Barcelona, a needed respite from the craziness. We're staying at the Sofitel in Madrid. Then the Hotel Condes de Barcelona in you guessed it Barcelona. They are really nice 4 star hotels.

Friday, April 20, 2007

Moms that get their son in even more trouble

So Patrick got himself arrested last month, March 29. I can't believe he tried to tie me up and almost did something even worse... Now he is going to have a criminal record. I wonder if he realizes the dire circumstances, that he will have a hard time securing a job, having to explain it in interviews. Does he realize what he did?I hope he reads this blog, Patrick Schaal, and straightens himself out either in rehab or AA meetings. He had gotten himself into a DUI in January and was arrested by the same officer. He told him that he thinks alcohol gets him in trouble and Patrick agreed. I guess he didn't heed his words to not drink so much, or stop drinking.

I called his parents, his stepdad who called his mom who called me. I spoke to her for an hour almost and she was very shocked. I then called her again to let her know that her son was released, and then I called a third time to find out if he was sorry to see if I can not go ahead with the charges. The second time was a message and she called back thanking me for calling her. The third time I spoke to her and she got hostile with me for continuing to call her. So I told her nevermind. And then she listened to the message where I said I didn't want to press charges. But after speaking to her I decided she was a bitch and that her son deserved to go to jail and have it on his record.

So now he will regret this for the rest of his life.

Wednesday, April 18, 2007


Guga came into my life on April 18, 2007. He was born on November 16, 2006. I was wandering around the village after a tax client appointment and stumbled into Parrots and Pups, the same store where Paddy is from. I fell in love with him the moment I laid eyes on him although he was not interested in me at all. When we started playing, I held him in my arms and he started to cry. I couldn't put him back. I took him home that night and introduced him to the other love of my life, Paddy.

He's been a member of our family ever since.

Monday, April 2, 2007

The Assault

So this was an interesting week. I am such an idiot for contacting pp. He came over and was drunk. I didn't know he was drinking that much. He also smokes. That's besides the point.
Anyways, he tied me up (with my permission) but then he started hurting me and I asked him to stop many times, and he wouldn't. I finally got free after many minutes of struggling and bruising. I then got dressed, ran to the kitchen and got a knife, whereby I started slashing him. Then I splashed some Clorox after he wouldn't leave. Then I called the police and finally got some cops to come by 2 hours or so later. They arrested him shortly thereafter.

I called his stepdad - I wanted his dad's #, but he called his mom and then she called me. We spoke on the phone for 40 minutes.

Apparently, she knows he has a drinking problem. Didn't know about the std or me. I told her about his DUI and the assault. She didn't want to call him because her mom had a heart attack and she couldn't be with him. She is trying to contact his dad to be with him.

I feel bad cuz she sounded really distraught. I called her the day after to let her know that he was released that night from jail. She called back and thanked me for letting her know. I didn't call her back. He knows that she knows and hopefully he'll call her to let her know he is alright.

I don't know why I did that, I think it's cuz I know that I can't help him anymore, he doesn't want my help and now it's illegal for him to contact me, and I guess me contacting him would be a bad idea. So I told his mom, his stepdad, in the hopes that they care enough about him to get him some much needed help.

No matter what happens, I just wanted to be his friend. And that's how I justify it to myself. I didn't want him to go to jail, I didn't want him to hurt me. I didn't want him to get an STD or give me an STD, twice. I just wanted him to be STD-free, and alcohol-independent.

I just am sad because I wasn't able to help him in the end. I hope this is a wake-up call for him to straighten himself out. I hope he gets something for the DUI, even though he'll most likely get off for the "assault". I was kinda annoyed but then I was relieved, I don't want to get called into testify against him. In the end, I don't think I would have. I was partly responsible for calling him over. But that doesn't justify what he did.