Monday, April 2, 2007

The Assault

So this was an interesting week. I am such an idiot for contacting pp. He came over and was drunk. I didn't know he was drinking that much. He also smokes. That's besides the point.
Anyways, he tied me up (with my permission) but then he started hurting me and I asked him to stop many times, and he wouldn't. I finally got free after many minutes of struggling and bruising. I then got dressed, ran to the kitchen and got a knife, whereby I started slashing him. Then I splashed some Clorox after he wouldn't leave. Then I called the police and finally got some cops to come by 2 hours or so later. They arrested him shortly thereafter.

I called his stepdad - I wanted his dad's #, but he called his mom and then she called me. We spoke on the phone for 40 minutes.

Apparently, she knows he has a drinking problem. Didn't know about the std or me. I told her about his DUI and the assault. She didn't want to call him because her mom had a heart attack and she couldn't be with him. She is trying to contact his dad to be with him.

I feel bad cuz she sounded really distraught. I called her the day after to let her know that he was released that night from jail. She called back and thanked me for letting her know. I didn't call her back. He knows that she knows and hopefully he'll call her to let her know he is alright.

I don't know why I did that, I think it's cuz I know that I can't help him anymore, he doesn't want my help and now it's illegal for him to contact me, and I guess me contacting him would be a bad idea. So I told his mom, his stepdad, in the hopes that they care enough about him to get him some much needed help.

No matter what happens, I just wanted to be his friend. And that's how I justify it to myself. I didn't want him to go to jail, I didn't want him to hurt me. I didn't want him to get an STD or give me an STD, twice. I just wanted him to be STD-free, and alcohol-independent.

I just am sad because I wasn't able to help him in the end. I hope this is a wake-up call for him to straighten himself out. I hope he gets something for the DUI, even though he'll most likely get off for the "assault". I was kinda annoyed but then I was relieved, I don't want to get called into testify against him. In the end, I don't think I would have. I was partly responsible for calling him over. But that doesn't justify what he did.

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