Saturday, December 15, 2007

back to running

So I've finally kickstarted my return to the gym. I feel and look fat. It's not a self-esteem issue. Since going on the meds, I've gained about 5 lbs. This is also from getting hunger pangs. I'm doing 3 miles at a 9:30 pace, I have to improve this to 8:30 to qualify for the Boston Marathon.

I've registered for the Big Sur International Marathon in Carmel, CA on Sunday April 27, 2008. I am determined to run this marathon and even ordered a long-sleeve jersey. I'm getting really psyched about the location, it's on Highway 1 in Cali, however it's very hilly, so I have started to incorporate hills in my treadmill training. When the weather gets better in February, I'll take the training outdoors. I have to start waking up in the mornings to get to the gym. When I wake up at 6am, it's dark outside, so it's hard to get out of bed. I'll just set both alarms on my clock within 10 minutes of each other to force me to get out of bed twice. The second time should reinforce my motivation to get to the gym. My goal is to complete the marathon in less than 3:40.

Paddy and Guga are getting along much better these days, they are not fighting each other. Their playfighting doesn't escalate to any cuts or bruises, so I am getting relieved. Guga is still not pad-trained, he'll go on the one area of the kitchen that is not covered with a wee wee pad.

I need to make a new run mix. I've downloaded some older running beat songs, just have to make a playlist of them.

Justin Timberlake is on SNL tonight. My life has become thankfully normal and boring.

Sunday, December 2, 2007

Day before...

So tomorrow is my first day back to work. I'm feeling very trepidatious. Paddy and Guga are snoring away on the couch. I have to post the pics of the two dogs that were taken over the summer by a Japanese female photographer I met at an event that I bartended at.

Tonight I went to dinner at Applebee's with my parents who were trying to iron out my nerves.

At work, I hope I'm able to carry on about my nasty bout with pneumonia.

I've been bidding like a fiend on a bunch of eBay auctions. I found the nicest pair of shoes and a lovely shirt. I've gotta get back to work. I hope it goes well. I'll try to fill a blog entry out each night, a therapeutic blogging.

I wonder who commented on April 29. Whoever you are, the one person who reads this blog, state who you are!