Sunday, July 3, 2016

YouTube Channel, July a record non-busy season month!

I missed my June post by 4 days, whoops!

This month of July I will make a great deal of money as I have a lot of lucrative projects closing.

Carl's mom came to visit for two weeks so I didn't have to pay him that much. That's good.

Nothing that much new coming. I have slowed down on the restaurant groupons and I am hosting a bunch of meetups this month with my girlfriends group. Trying to make new friends.

I've been in a running rut but tmrw I hope to start a new streak alive. My parents' Jetta is in the shop so I will be traveling to Manhattan's Park Avenue Equinox to run my 3 miles. I might then do some work and meet my bf at my work office tmrw.

I'm trying to wear more makeup. That is a work in progress.

I also want to buy some more dresses. I had a moratorium on new dress purchases for 3 weeks but July 3 is the end.

Oh well that's about it. I think I may start a YouTube channel. I have to a good camera. More on that to come!

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