Monday, December 25, 2006


Merry Christmas!
A lot has happened since the last post. I got annoyed cuz pp was playing around with me and then when I said I'd call someone else, he said some other girl was coming over who was "tighter" and "way hotter, not that you're even hot." So I got annoyed - she might be hotter, but no way is she tighter.

Anyways, I wrote him a nasty email - and a nastier email after that. He wanted me to dress up for him -- in a black, lacy thong. I didn't own such thing. So then after a day, I got depressed and so I emailed him with a subject header "hi - black thong".

He actually responded two days later, so he didn't think that threatening email -- where I basically told him to get AIDs and die a horrible death -- did not phase him. Or maybe he didn't want to get dumped.

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