Friday, April 18, 2014

Still Busy with Projects... I have a BF!!!

So I am still busy with projects but I'm procrastinating, per usual. I think I will enter the sales tax on Monday...

So the big news is that Carl and I are in a bonafide relationship. He is my boyfriend and I'm his girlfriend. That's major progress. I wanted to see my therapist to tell him the good news, but my boyfriend is not fond of him. I also should prolly cut ties with him as he is a money leech. I don't think I need therapy anyways!

So other news is that Augusto got a job as a professor at Berkeley College - 20% increase in salary so he's happy. Also Josh finally got a job so I'm meeting him for dinner and I invited Augusto as well to celebrate everyone's good news. I increased by 75 clients -- to around 230-240 clients. I can't wait to hit 300 next tax season.

So Carl and I finally had sex last week, it was great. He lasts a long time, I have to use something in order to keep going with him. That's always a nice problem to have. I am going to see him for the first time after that encounter.

Anyways I should get back to work. ICK! I made enough from tax season to not have to work for the rest of the year so long as I live with my parents. But I want to move out in July or October so I am going to try to find more bookkeeping clients.

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