Saturday, November 7, 2015

Injury Update

OK if anyone is following me, my left foot has been hurting... I stopped running last week of October and am resting it from running for the entire month of November and if needed, December as well. I've started taking up rowing which burns as much calories as running but works the upper body more. I will also try to take a spin class on Tuesday at 19th Street Broadway Equinox. They finished renovating their bathrooms so I can go back. I hope I can reserve a spot in Wil's spin class. He's quite popular and doesn't hound me during the class like some instructors do.

If after resting for 2 months and my left foot still hurts after running 5-6 miles I will resign from running and run only 3 miles a day for 6 days straight and leave it at that. No more half marathons or full marathons for me.

So I checked my weight and I weigh 101.4 pounds. It fluctuates from 98.2 to 103.7 lbs which is the 5 lb spread that Carl was talking about. So let's just say for all intensive purposes I am 100 lbs. That is the best that I've been since May 2013. And I weighed 103-104 when I checked out of the hospital after 3-4 days in the mental ward of St Luke's Hospital. So after surviving (or not eating) their terrible hospital food, I weighed around 103-104. That's the lowest I've been. In 2014 I was around 108. But in 2015 I ballooned up to 121 lbs. I'm surprised Carl didn't dump me, I was soooo fat! But after exercising over the summer I got it down to 100 lbs. Carl wants me to get down to 95 lbs which would mean I would need to amp up my running to training for a half-marathon. However my right ankle and left foot are not cooperating.

The lowest I've ever weighed was 87 lbs and that was when I was training for the one and only marathon I've done. The one that took insanely long because I think I hurt my ankle and continued. I didn't run for a good 6 months after that. I was hoping to do the marathon next year but I don't think I have enough races to qualify. Also my left foot is hurting and I can't run more than 6 miles so doing a full marathon is a bit ambitious. I was hoping to do the Brooklyn Half Marathon in May but that would mean training during tax season and I may be too busy to run during that busy period. We shall see. It's not like every minute of every hour in every day of tax season I'm working so I only need to find 1 day during the weekend where I do my long run and then find 3 other days to run. I think I'll choose a 4 x a week running schedule. In the off tax season I can do the 6 days straight of running.

Anyway I just wanted to document my weight loss progress and have a record of my thoughts and feelings during the period of frustration. I also don't want to see a sports medicine doctor until I am sure that resting is not helping enough. Of the numerous visits to this sports medicine doctor, he has always told me to rest. The only other option is surgery and I don't think I can afford that with my crummy health insurance.

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