Monday, July 21, 2014

Monday Day 1 of the Post Every Day of the Month

So I will post a blog entry every day this coming month to see if I can record my life happenings.

They may be brief status updates.

I made a list of guys who I have crushes on. They range from JL (Jets meetup) to CC (therapist) to DG (wood buff). There's a more extensive list for the famous guys who I have crushes on.

I wanted to expand upon looks in this post. My mom says I judge a book by its cover and it's true in some aspects of my life. Like in any tennis or team competition I always root for the better-looking guy or team. This is kind of subjective. My friend FO for example doesn't like Latinos but prefers Black guys. I am the opposite. I prefer Latino/Hispanic/White (Caucasian) over Black/Indian/Asian guys. I have never been on a single date with an Asian guy. I did date EC who was half Indian, but he looked Mediterranean.

So yeah I need to look deeper. The only reason I am tolerating Carl and his busy schedule is because I find him very attractive but not too hot. I could never date a 9 or higher guy. I think Carl ranges from an 8-8.5. I think my own looks are 7.5-8. In my prime I think I was a 8.5. But those days are over.

I need to lose weight in my tummy area. I am 106.20 lbs, up from my all-time low weight of 100. I need to stop binge-eating in the middle of the night. For the sake of my teeth alone if that warrants a change faster. I was diagnosed with 5 small cavities in my dentist appointment last week. I owe the dentist $420 for a cleaning and 5 cavities. I will get them repaired on Friday. All my money I lament goes to the IRS and my dentist. I think I may have funded my dentist a trip to Hong Kong!

OK back to work. G the handyman of the bldg is coming by in 5 minutes to hang the plaques from my wall. The walls of my cubicle don't look too sturdy so not sure if it will be successful. We shall see!

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