Saturday, October 31, 2009


So the guy from NJ is named Mike. He's going to call me this week to make arrangements to have coffee on Sunday... I wonder if he drinks alcohol. It didn't mention that in his profile. Or maybe I shd check again. I haven't drank alcohol in over a month. I just don't like the taste of alcohol and I've been trying to save money. I just order a Coke or Pepsi at bars.

I have become a Jets fan... I go to the Jets meetup group. A guy named Howard who I guessed is 45 from his fb page (subtracted the year he graduated high school with this year and added that to 18 to get to his age). I don't think I like him as a boyfriend but he has become a guy friend. I need more of those. He's too old for me and he's balding. Also kinda short and his face is kinda ugly. He sends me text messages even when I'm sitting at the table with him. He's funny.

I'm more of a Giants fan. But the organizers who arrange the meetups for the Giants are assholes. I hate calling people that but these organizers have thrown me out for not attending the meetups. Sometimes I don't attend the Jets meetup but Howard doesn't throw me out.

I used to be organizer of a Yankees meetup group but then no one would show up at my meetups so I stepped down as organizer. Now I go to this other Yankees meetup group. It has more members and people show up to their meetups. Howard goes but he's a Mets fan. He likes the Yankees tho so he's not a diehard Mets fan that hates the Yankees.

Speaking of meetups, I stepped down as organizer of the ballet meetup and the triathlon meetup. I met one couple at the ballet meetup but usually my meetups are attended by very few people. One guy by the name of James I met through the triathlon meetup. He asked me out on a date. But I wasn't sure if it was a date until he paid for the movie and my drink afterwards. I unfriended him the minute I got home from this date. He made me take the subway at 2am when he had a car. Who does that? Yeah he was running the 9 races + one to volunteer to be guaranteed entry to the NYC Marathon next year. So far he's the only guy I know doing the 2010 Marathon in my time range. Wait that's not true. Nori might be running the 2010 Marathon and he runs similar to me, maybe a bit faster.

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