Friday, September 23, 2011

Yesterday and tomorrow

Brandon IM'ed me at 1:41pm. I wasn't around. He returned at around 4:25pm and we chatted. He already wants to meet up again. I think I created a monster. So I'll be meeting him tomorrow at 11AM. We shall see where this goes. I thought he would wait a week or so.

Did I mention that Brandon is hot! He is smokin' hot! God must have pitied me on my last three guys that I slept with. Adam, Brian and Davey were all ugly. Adam was alright but short. but the rest were like 5-6. Brandon's a 9! I think I'm an 8. So he's hotter than me.

He still doesn't want sex, even tho he mentioned anal sex and the fact that he's never had it. He prolly had sex with 2 girls. I don't know why he can't get more girls, he's really cute. Maybe girls are twitter friends of him and are turned off by the fact he posts where he is every waking moment. I'm not mentioning it to him. But that's a turnoff.

But I am happier with Brandon being a fuck buddy than Davey in the year and 3 months I was dating him. God and the fact that Davey is keeping my digital camera is just wrong. I hope he gets what he deserves.

Brandon is so much hotter and has a bigger penis than Davey. Brandon's definitely an upgrade over Davey. The only three things against him is the fact he's Jewish, he's 8-9 years younger than me, and he updates his whereabouts on twitter every couple hours.

The last thing he might be doing for work even though he updates it on weekends too and at night. So it makes me think he just likes to share?

OK, until the next Brandon update :)

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