Saturday, October 29, 2011

Two nights in a row

OK, yesterday I met my bro in Flushing for some pho for lunch. I wasn't that hungry and didn't eat that much. Steve said he would accompany me tight- and yarn-shopping if I paid for his cigarettes and dinner.

Then Brandon IM'ed me around 3pm asking me to meet him for more sex. I told him later.

I got some white yarn at Knitty City and then a McRib meal with an extra McRib sandwich for
$1, not bad!

Then I headed home with my bro to watch Game 7. Brandon contacted me while I was on the N train and asked to meet.

So I took a cab from Astoria to his place on East 50th and Second Ave. $17.25 with tip for those wondering. We had some sex and then I jerked him off. It still hurt. Anyways, he said he'll be gone for who knows what so two nights in a row followed by a 3-4 week absence. who knows where it comes with him? And my feeling that there might be more is dwindling. oh well, a fuck buddy is good enough, right?

I went to a costume kickball party.. where they play drinking ping pong games and card games. Remind me not to go to another kickball party. Chiemi brought surgical scrubs as a costume for me.

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